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Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions that we are often asked by patients and visitors. If you have any questions that you think could be useful to add to the FAQ section, please use the feedback form here.

What number do I call for Primary Care appointments?

For Primary Care appointments Call 20052441

For Repeat Prescriptions Call 20007909

How do I make an appointment to see a GP?

You can call the Primary Care Centre to make an Appointment with a GP. The Help Desk operator will guide you. Call to 200 52441 to make an appointment.

Can I choose my own GP?

Registered patients can request to be allocated a GP of their choice or will be allocated one from a group of GP’s if he/she is not available.

I have an infection e.g. gastroenteritis, is it safe to visit a patient in hospital?

If you are unwell or know you are carrying an infection we ask you not to visit unless essential. If your visit is essential please contact the ward to discuss first.

I wish to make a complaint?

You can raise any matter of concern by contacting them on

What time can I visit a relative or friend in hospital?

Hospital visiting times vary. You can find our more information here.

How long will I have to wait to be seen at the A&E?

The A&E Department deals with all emergencies on a priority basis called the Manchester Triage System. Waiting times can vary and patients are asked to seek alternative forms of care for non-emergency cases.

How do I contact a patient in hospital?

Click here to view more information on how to contact patient’s in St. Bernard’s Hospital.

I have to travel to the UK for a medical appointment, what do I have to do?

If you have been referred to the UK by one of our Consultants you should have received a letter confirming this and instructions on what to do. If not please contact the Consultant’s Clinic or contact the Sponsored Patients Unit for assistance.

How can I check which Pharmacy is on duty?

You can view the Pharmacies on duty here.

I have been told I need surgery. What do I need to do?

You can find out more information on how to prepare for surgery here.

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