How to contact a patient
This page gives general information on how to keep in touch with patients staying at St. Bernard’s Hospital.
Visiting the patient:
Visiting hours may vary and depend on the day and ward you wish to visit.
More detailed information about each ward’s visiting hours and any restrictions that may apply can be found by viewing the St. Bernard’s Hospital Visiting Times section.
Visitor numbers:
1 or 2 visitors per patient may be allowed at any one time. This is to make sure that our patients get the rest they need and other patients are not disturbed. However, entrance to the ward is at the discretion of the Ward Manager on duty.
Contacting your relative or friend:
You can call the hospital help desk on Tel: 200 72266 and ask for the ward they are staying on.
We would like to encourage that your friend or relative nominate one person to call the hospital and act as a link for everyone else. This helps our nursing staff care for patients and free hospital telephone lines that could be used for more urgent matters. Note that the Help Desk cannot provide patient information over the phone.
You can also call your friend or relative using their bedside phone. Contact the Help Desk on Tel: 200 72266 or make a note of it during you visit.
Note that you will be charged at your telephone operators rate for these calls.
Mobile phones are not allowed in certain areas of the hospital, so please check with the ward staff before attempting to call your friend or relative.
Sending a letter or postcard.
You can write to your friend or relative in hospital. Please make sure you address the letter or card with their full name, the name of the ward and the correct hospital address.
St Bernard’s Hospital
Harbour Views Rd